Facial Fat Grafting

Offered at our convenient location in Scottsdale, Arizona

Facial Fat Grafting  Dr. Andrew Wolin  Wolin Plastic Surgery Center

Facial fat grafting, or autologous fat grafting, is a cosmetic procedure where a surgeon transfers fat from one area of the body to the face to make it more voluminous, plump, and smooth. Patients love that their cheeks, forehead, lips, and eyes appear lifted and youthful after this procedure. Since the fat comes from your own body, facial fat grafting has a low rate of minor complications and creates a natural-looking result. (1)

As a top doctor featured in Arizona’s Phoenix Magazine, Dr. Andrew Wolin takes facial rejuvenation seriously. Alongside facial fat grafting, Dr. Wolin specializes in face lifts, body lifts, rhinoplasties, breast augmentation, abdominal contouring, and more.

With his expertise and the knowledge of the staff at Wolin Plastic Surgery Center, we’ll ensure your safety and aspirations for your body are our number 1 priority. Give us a call at (480) 945-8440, fill out our online form, or come visit us at our location in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Before and After Photos

Advancements in Facial Fat Grafting

The first instance of successful facial fat transfer was conducted by Dr. Gustav Neuber in 1893. During the procedure, he transferred fat from the arm to the eye region to correct scars left by an infection. Since then, fat transfer has advanced tremendously.

In 1982, Dr. Yves Gerard-Illouz advanced a safe fat removal technique that would forever change cosmetic medicine: liposuction. Liposuction involves using a very thin tube to suction unwanted fat from areas of excess.

Later, in the 1990s, Dr. Sydney Coleman standardized the practice of liposuction and how to utilize the fat for grafting. His “Coleman Technique”, details very specific requirements for harvesting fat, purification, and reinjection techniques. His findings in the ‘90s are the foundation for safe fat grafting procedures today.

Why Choose Dr. Wolin?

As a plastic surgeon since the 1980s, Dr. Wolin has witnessed the development of modern liposuction and fat grafting since its inception. He spent time in Turin, Italy, with the pioneer of ultrasonic liposuction, Dr. Michele Zocchi. This type of liposuction implements ultrasonic waves to make the extraction process even safer through better preservation of blood vessels and the reduction of blood loss. (2) Dr. Wolin’s well-rounded and continuing education in cosmetic surgery makes him not only a first-rate doctor but also an artist with a keen eye for beauty.

Benefits of Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is a minimally invasive solution for tired and aging skin to regain its vitality and volume. Here are the results you can expect for various areas of the face:

  • Restored roundness to the cheeks
  • Reduced appearance of age-related blemishes such as vertical lip lines, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, frown lines, undereye bags, and nasolabial folds
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Results promote a well-proportioned, natural-looking face


To qualify for a facial fat transfer procedure, you need to be in good health. Dr. Wolin may require a blood test to ensure that there are no serious health issues. If you have high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, or another condition that impedes wound healing, he will recommend another treatment.

Finally, you should be between the ages of 30 and 65, have realistic ideas for what your desired goals are, and be able to take at least a couple of weeks off for recovery.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Wolin and his experienced staff will ensure that your questions and concerns will be answered. He is open to collaborating with you on your aesthetic desires while providing you with surgical services that incorporate the most updated equipment and technology.

Feel free to read our reviews of happy patients and schedule a consultation with him today! You can also give us a quick call at (480) 945-8440. We are located in Scottsdale, Arizona.


The preparation for facial fat transfer is the same as any other fat grafting procedure. You should stop taking any medications that thin the blood for at least two weeks before the procedure to prevent any unwanted bleeding. If you smoke, you should quit at least four weeks before your appointment date. Smoking greatly affects your circulation, which affects how quickly you heal after any surgery. You should also consider stocking up on gauze pads, a cold compress that is not an ice pack, and pain medications approved by Dr. Wolin.

Fat Grafting Procedure

Facial Fat Grafting  Dr. Andrew Wolin  Wolin Plastic Surgery Center

During your procedure, Dr. Wolin will mark the areas of your face that will receive a fat graft. He will also mark the donor areas of your body. The most common donor sites are in the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. Depending on your preference, and how much fat will need to be extracted, general or local anesthesia will be used. Fat grafting under local anesthesia has been proven completely safe and effective, (3) so Dr. Wolin also utilizes this method for breast augmentation as well.

Then, a solution called tumescent fluid is injected into the donor sites. This fluid contains lidocaine for further numbing, and epinephrine to prevent bleeding. Tumescent fluid makes the fat extraction much safer and separates it from the surrounding tissues much more effectively. (4)

Next, Dr. Wolin will begin the liposuction portion of the procedure. At the donor sites, very small incisions will be made for a microcannula to be inserted. The incisions are so small that post-surgery sutures will not be needed. Fat cells will be suctioned out to be purified outside the body in a device called a centrifuge.

Finally, Dr. Wolin makes incisions in the treatment area so that the fat can be injected. When the transfer is finished, Dr. Wolin will cover these areas of your face and donor sites with gauze and surgical tape.


Immediately after the surgery is completed, Dr. Wolin will prescribe a compression garment, to be worn for 2 to 3 days postoperatively. You will experience bruising, redness, and soreness, but these can be treated with a cold (not ice) compress and pain medications prescribed by Dr. Wolin. You should take at least one week off of work, regardless of the type of work you do.

After about a week, you can begin light exercise and your everyday activities. After this period, more fat cells will continue to die during the recovery process and reduce the swelling. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, this swelling will completely subside. The final results, however, won’t appear for at least a few months. The healing process depends on your individual body. After about two weeks, you’ll be able to resume using makeup and start up your regular exercise routine.


Patients can expect to see a more youthful, attractive version of themselves within a few weeks of their procedure. The fat provides a soft, natural texture that fills in problem areas with ease. After this procedure, expect a boost in self-confidence and many compliments on your facial contours!

Complementary Procedures

The following procedures can complement facial fat grafting:

  • Facelift– This procedure involves tightening muscles under the face, and lifting and smoothing the skin.
  • Eyelid Lift– Excess skin is removed and muscles are tightened as a means of treating drooping eyelids.
  • Browlift– A browlift, also called a forehead lift, involves making an incision in the hairline in order for the skin of the forehead to be pulled taut. It eliminates forehead wrinkles and brow sagging.
  • Botox– This dermal injection relaxes muscles in the treatment area so that wrinkles and expression lines are reduced.
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing– This laser treatment is designed to minimize wrinkles, sun damage, birthmarks, scars, and more.
  • Dr. Wolin’s Exclusive Skin Building Program– This program consists of Dr. Wolin’s own product line to get your skin radiant and healthy as preparation before surgery.

Cost of Facial Fat Grafting in Scottsdale

Your beautifying goals and the amount of fat transferred will be taken into consideration when determining the cost. After calling us at (480) 945-8440 or scheduling your consultation online, we will be able to give you an estimate of your facial fat grafting procedure.


How long do facial fat grafting procedures take?

The entire procedure takes about one hour to complete.

Are the results of facial fat transfer permanent?

Yes; the results you see 9 months after the procedure are permanent.

Does facial fat grafting require sutures?

No, all incisions made for facial fat grafting are so small that they don’t require sutures.

How much fat is extracted for facial fat grafting?

Only about two teaspoons to a quarter of a cup is extracted and reinjected into the face. The amount depends on your aesthetic goals.

Can facial fat transfer be reversed?

In most cases, the results of facial fat transfer can be undone with revision surgery.

Will facial fat grafting leave scars?

Scarring from facial fat grafting is generally discreet as the incisions are so small they don’t require sutures. You can minimize the appearance of scars if you follow your aftercare instructions carefully.


  1. Krastev TK, Beugels J, Hommes J, Piatkowski A, Mathijssen I, van der Hulst R. Efficacy and Safety of Autologous Fat Transfer in Facial Reconstructive Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2018;20(5):351-360. doi:10.1001/jamafacial.2018.0102
  2. Sterodimas A, Boriani F, Magarakis E, Nicaretta B, Pereira L, Illouz Y. Thirtyfour Years of Liposuction: Past, Present and Future.; 2012. Accessed June 12, 2023. http://www.europeanreview.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/1256.pdf
  3. Ma X, Wu L, Ouyang T, Ge W, Ke J. Safety and Efficacy of Facial Fat Grafting Under Local Anesthesia. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018;42(1):151-158. doi:10.1007/s00266-017-1000-2
  4. Halk AB, Habbema L, Genders RE, Hanke CW. Safety Studies in the Field of Liposuction: A Systematic Review. Dermatologic Surgery. 2019;45(2):171-182. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/dss.0000000000001707