
Offered at our convenient location in Scottsdale, Arizona

Rhinoplasty Dr. Andrew Wolin Wolin Plastic Surgery Center Phoenix and Scottsdale

A rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a procedure that corrects breathing difficulties and/or improves the aesthetic of the nose. Men and women with fully developed noses are able to receive the procedure for long-term results.

Dr. Andrew Wolin, a top-ranked nasal surgery expert, takes the time to get to know each patient and learn their concerns and goals for their nose. He has over 30 years of experience doing rhinoplasties, having restored and sculpted more than 1,000 patients’ noses. He is one of the first rhinoplasty surgeons in the greater Phoenix area to offer the Ultrasonic approach to achieve the highest aesthetic and functional results possible. Whether you are looking to fix a deviated septum or get a nose reduction, Dr. Wolin will help you achieve your ideal outcome.

If you would like to explore how a rhinoplasty can benefit your life, then schedule a consultation with Dr. Wolin today. Dr. Wolin and his staff at Wolin Plastic Surgery Center are well-regarded in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area for their commitment to impressive results.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Scottsdale office at (480) 945-8440 and get the information you need.

Before and After Photos

About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty reduces and reshapes the nose. This procedure is done meticulously and can include changing the size of the nose, improving the size and shape of the nostrils, tip, or bridge of the nose, and altering the angle of the nose. (1) A nose job can drastically improve your profile and restore balance to your appearance. Dr. Wolin can improve your nose’s breathing function as well as improve the delicate curves of your nose.

The current state-of-the-art for rhinoplasty is the use of a specialized vibrating tool called the Ultrasonic Piezotome. This instrument has a special ability to only address bone and cartilage during the surgical procedure. (2) None of the delicate soft tissues that make up the form and external appearance are damaged during this procedure. This improves safety and predictability and helps produce the best long-term results possible.


The primary advantage of rhinoplasty is that the surgery will be personalized to give you the nose you want. With the expert guidance of Dr. Wolin, our patients generally experience:

  • Enhanced facial balance: A properly shaped nose enhances one’s overall facial balance and proportion.
  • Improved self-esteem: Many individuals report increased confidence after they feel satisfied with their nose’s appearance.
  • Breathing improvement: Functional rhinoplasty addresses structural issues inside the nose that may hinder breathing.
  • Dorsal hump reduction: This procedure smooths out a pronounced dorsal hump, leading to a more streamlined profile.
  • Tip refinement: Adjusting the nasal tip’s shape can lead to a more refined and symmetrical appearance.
  • Nasal symmetry: Correcting unevenness can enhance the overall allure of the facial features.
  • Minor changes: Even subtle refinements can yield a significant improvement in one’s appearance.
  • Customization: Every rhinoplasty is tailored to address specific concerns based on the individual’s anatomy and goals.


Men and women of all ages can receive nose correction surgeries, as long as their noses are fully developed. An ideal candidate will be healthy and have realistic expectations of what this surgery can accomplish. If you have a deviated septum or are bothered by the shape of your nose, rhinoplasty can help amend these issues. This procedure may also be performed to correct an injury or birth defect or to improve breathing. Patients should be in good general health, not smoke (or be willing to quit), and be excited to work with Dr. Wolin to plan their ideal treatment.

Personal Consultation

During your rhinoplasty consultation, Dr. Wolin will ask you what you hope to achieve with rhinoplasty. He will then explain what approaches are available to you. Dr. Wolin will take pictures of your nose to visualize the possible corrections on a computer screen. Dr. Wolin will use his medical and artistic expertise to precisely shape and structure the nose. He will consider the nose in the context of your entire face to ensure that you receive the most harmonious results. You may be offered several different rhinoplasty options to consider depending on your goals. You and Dr. Wolin will discuss the enhancement options and together you will settle on a surgically reachable and ideal look for your new nose!


Rhinoplasty Dr. Andrew Wolin Wolin Plastic Surgery Center Phoenix and Scottsdale

In your consultation, Dr. Wolin will instruct you on how to best prepare for your surgery. Following these instructions will help you have a positive and optimal treatment. Along with these instructions, we suggest you also take some steps to make sure you are ready for the procedure.

We recommend setting aside an area in your home where you can rest without being bothered or disturbed. Rest is very important and it will be helpful to have an area where you can retreat to get a peaceful sleep. Preemptively picking up your prescribed medications before the day of your procedure will make them readily available and minimize physical and mental stress. Because you will receive anesthesia, you will be required to fast for eight hours before your procedure. However, you can drink water for up to six hours before your procedure. You will also be required to arrange transportation to and from your procedure, as you will not be able to drive due to the anesthesia.


Rhinoplasty can be performed as either open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. In open procedures, the skin of the nose is gently lifted away from the bone and cartilage framework beneath which is then shaped and sculpted as desired. An incision is made across the columella, which is the small strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This approach provides the surgeon with greater visibility and access to the underlying structures, making it easier to make precise adjustments. (1) Closed rhinoplasty procedures do not lift any skin on the face. Instead, nasal structures are accessed through the nostrils. While it preserves the external appearance of the nose post-surgery, it limits visibility and requires more advanced skills to achieve the desired changes. (1) Dr. Wolin also uses innovative Ultrasonic devices in his rhinoplasty procedures. The high-frequency (yet gentle) vibrations of the Ultrasonic Piezotome delicately separate tissue on the nose to sculpt a beautiful and natural-looking final result with minimal complications and a shorter recovery time. (2)

Once the desired corrections are made, the skin is re-draped over the altered nose framework (if it is an open rhinoplasty), and a splint is applied to help your nose maintain its new form. In some cases, nasal packs or soft splints may be inserted in the nostrils to provide additional stability. Most rhinoplasty procedures take about two hours to complete, but it is important that a surgeon plans these treatments thoroughly and takes their time to achieve results.


With the use of the Ultrasonic technique, there is minimal bruising. Mild swelling and discomfort can be expected, but all can be alleviated with cold compresses and medication prescribed by Dr. Wolin. A small piece of cotton is placed in the nose following the surgery and is removed the following morning. There are no uncomfortable nasal packs used, only a small dressing under the nose is used to absorb any drainage. Splints and stitches are removed in about a week, and you can usually return to work or non-strenuous activities within a week or two. The most visible swelling and bruising are usually gone within two weeks. Strenuous activities may be resumed within four to six weeks. Most importantly, avoid touching your nose as much as possible and sleep on your back with your head elevated for the first few nights.


You will notice an improvement in your nose after the surgery. As the swelling and bruising decrease, your results will become clear. Rhinoplasty results are essentially permanent, and you will enjoy a newly-sculpted nose that brings you confidence for many years.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

There are a few different non-surgical rhinoplasty methods that can be used to help you achieve smaller corrections or “trial run” your nose corrections. Many patients will receive dermal fillers like Botox, Juvederm, autologous fat (your own body fat), or other hyaluronic acid injections to increase the mass of certain parts of their nose. While these treatments last a while, their results are not as permanent as a full surgical correction. Many patients will explore these semi-permanent procedures first to explore their nose correction possibilities.

Cost of Rhinoplasty in Phoenix

This treatment is personalized, and because of the various techniques used, the cost of each procedure differs between patients. You will receive a cost estimate at the end of your consultation with Dr. Wolin.

If you have any questions about payments or pricing or would like to set up an appointment over the phone, please call our Scottsdale office at (480) 945-8440.


Is a nose job painful?

The procedure is done under anesthesia and any discomfort after treatment can be controlled with prescribed pain medication. If you experience pain for a long period, please reach out to our office so we can assess your nose and ensure everything is healthy.

How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?

After one week, materials used in surgery like splints or stitches will be removed. It will take about one to two weeks for the majority of the swelling to go down and for you to be able to return to work. Your final results will set in after a couple of months once your nose has fully healed and transitioned to its new shape.

How much time do I need off of work for my rhinoplasty?

You should take at least one week off from work. Every person will heal on their own time and so this timeline may fluctuate. Dr. Wolin will work with you to determine a healthy amount of time to take off from work. We typically recommend that patients take more time than they think is necessary to not rush their recovery.

Can I have my rhinoplasty on the same day as my consultation?

No. A nose job needs to be planned out and scheduled. A consultation will have to be done a few weeks or months before surgery. There is a lot of forethought and planning that is put into rhinoplasty. You will also need time to mentally prepare and ask for recovery time from work.

Can you touch your nose after rhinoplasty?

You should avoid touching your nose after surgery. Touching, bumping, or pressing on your nose may further irritation and cause infection. Let your nose adjust and avoid manipulating it.


  1. Fichman M, Piedra Buena IT. Rhinoplasty. PubMed. Published 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK558970/
  2. Gerbault O. Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty for Dorsum Preservation and for Dorsum Structural Reconstruction. Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America. 2023;31(1):143-154. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsc.2022.09.002